Our NSE satellite campus will be vital in promoting social interaction and wellbeing with and between cohorts. All communal spaces will have a direct connection to the gardens, opening out to the back gardens to minimise disruption for neighbours. They will include:
- Reception Area
- New Junior Common Room for undergraduate students
- New tea point adjacent to the existing Middle Common Room building, located in the original chapel of 19 Norham Gardens
- Cluster Kitchens
- Refurbished Middle Common Room

There are opportunities to name the MCR or JCR for £250,000, or £50,000 a year for five years and the chance to sponsor one of the 22 cluster kitchens for £20,000.
The Background
Two consultation sessions took place with current St Edmund Hall students, with particular focus on the new JCR. The space will be used in a variety of ways, for social events or for students to work either together or individually, with a background buzz as an alternative to the silence of the library and with a view onto and physical access to the Village Square.
The Middle Common Room (MCR) & Shared Tea Point Communal areas will sit on the ground floor of the Villa. The entrance foyer will lead to the JCR and Tea Point, which open onto the Village Square. A reinstated opening in the south elevation of the existing MCR allows the communal spaces to relate to each other and to the landscape. The JCR, Tea Point and MCR can collectively accommodate conference delegates who may be staying at the Norham St Edmund site.
The three combined spaces could operate as dining rooms during conference season, as a small kitchen will be located in the ancillary space adjacent.

For more information, please contact:
Please contact, Andrew Vivian, Fellow and Director of Development
+44 (0)1865 279096
St Edmund Hall, Queen’s Lane, OX1 4AR