Lifelong friendships forged through participation, teamwork and support.

Hall Spirit – if you have been here, you know! Our Cuppers and river crusades, as athletes and supporters, are the stuff of legend. So too are our plays, recitals, film showings and concerts.

11% of alumni contribute to the Aularian Fund each year. If we could emulate the 15%+ of many other Oxford colleges, we could take our annual unrestricted funds from £350k to £500k pa and provide even more extra-curricular opportunities and support.


What does my donation support?

Your donation funds these important projects.

Sport Fund

Sport is part of the Hall’s DNA, whether you participate or scream your support from the stand, sideline or towpath.

Our sporting provision is funded from two sources – the Amalgamated Clubs Fund, created through a modest annual fee levied on all undergraduates, and a small endowment fund into which alumni have contributed over the years.

Although this enables a wide range of valuable support – kit and equipment; personal accident insurance; support for and prizes for students competing for the University; rental of facilities and maintenance of our boat house – there is a good deal more that we would like to do so that everyone can play and train adequately, regardless of means.

Teddy Hall sport must be inclusive, fun and competitive and an endowment fund of £1m would allow us to plan with confidence and expand our provision.

Music & Arts Fund

Our Culture Fund enables student creativity and expression to flourish, emulating many outstanding alumni who also found their own voices and creative passions at the Hall.

Whether it is our choir and musicians, expertly led by the Director of Music, Dr James Whitbourn, or our Fine Artists and literature students showcasing their art and literature in the annual A Gallery publication or through art exhibitions, an endowment fund of £1m would allow us to plan with confidence and expand our provision, adding to the reputation of the Hall in the eyes of many prospective applicants.

Public and Community Engagement

Our inaugural ‘Access Hall Areas’ event in 2019 attracted over 1,000 visitors, young and old, enabling a new audience to engage with our research, buildings and culture. We are ready to open our doors once again!

A central feature of our community engagement is the Centre for the Creative Brain. It brings together people from a wide range of disciplines and provides an opportunity for discussion and dialogue. In particular, it aims to explore how neuroscience can further our understanding of the aspects of our lives that make us most human, and how insights from art, music, and literature can enrich our understanding of the brain. Our open events have explored topics such as Shakespeare and the brain, artists with epilepsy (‘Creative Sparks’) and the mystery of hypnosis.

An endowment fund of £100k will enable us to continue and embellish this programme for future years.

Access and Outreach Programme

The Hall is proud to play its part in the pan-university programme to ensure that young people from all backgrounds are encouraged to pursue their ambitions in Higher Education, and to consider Oxford as a destination for them. We visit and host schools, especially in the East Midlands Region, explaining what such an education offers and how the application process works.

Facilitating this is an Access & Outreach Team that comprises core members of staff, student ambassadors and a Fellow dedicated to making and hosting school visits.

The College currently funds 50% of our £90k programme, with the rest being kindly supported by donors. We have a target to raise £650k during the campaign towards our Outreach work so that we can sustain this vital programme and ensure an increasing level of diversity amongst our student population.

Explore the Hallmarks


  • Hallmarks Campaign Total £50m 31% 31%

Camaraderie • Creativity • Curiosity • Community • Continuity • Care • Connection • Conservation