Prime years in personal development enabled by a holistic educational experience and individualised welfare support.
Ensuring that our students feel part of a supportive family is vital to academic attainment and personal development.
The provision of bursaries, scholarships, prizes and hardship funding is crucial to alleviating financial anxieties, together with the Hall’s holistic welfare regime which extends to mental health, physical wellbeing, spiritual support, study skills tuition and careers advice.
The pandemic has emphasised just how invaluable this can be. The College currently spends over £400k per year on scholarships, bursaries and welfare, much of which is unfunded. We would like to do more by fully endowing bursary, scholarship and hardship funds and hope to raise £3m to achieve this goal and support our students far into the future.
What does my donation support?
Your donation funds these important projects.
Oxford Bursary and College Hardship Fund
We are committed to needs-blind education. At St Edmund Hall, 70 undergraduates received a means-tested Oxford Bursary in 2022 and the Hall provides in the region of £70,000 towards this scheme which is jointly funded by the University. An endowment fund of £1m will ensure that we can continue this level of support in perpetuity.
In addition, the Hall currently provides £30,000 per annum from its core funds in order to support both undergraduate and graduate students in financial difficulty. This vital safety net largely goes unheralded but can really make a difference to the experience and wellbeing for some students, and is often used to support those students who fall just outside the eligibility criteria of the Oxford Bursary Scheme. An endowment fund of £500k would substantially meet these costs each year and would enable donors to really make a difference to individual lives, enabling students to continue their studies without the burden of financial pressure.
Graduate Scholarship Fund
Despite being home to 331 graduate students, the Hall has not traditionally been able to match the number and level of scholarships offered by more established colleges and institutions.
In addressing this, we wish to establish an endowment fund of £1m, initially, so that we can provide a minimum of 5 graduate scholarships. They would be worth £8k per annum to each recipient and each endowed scholarship can feature the name of the donor.
Student Welfare & Wellbeing
Ensuring that our students feel part of a supportive family is crucial to academic attainment and personal development.
Whilst the availability of bursaries, scholarships, prizes and hardship funding is crucial to alleviating financial anxieties, the Hall’s holistic welfare regime also extends to mental health, physical wellbeing, spiritual support, study skills tuition and careers advice. The pandemic has emphasised just how invaluable this can be.
During the campaign we wish to raise £450k towards supporting this aspect over the next decade, including the continued employment of a dedicated College Counsellor.

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