Uniting students and world class academics with an intellectual drive to understand and challenge the world around them.

Only 50% of our Tutorial Fellowship Fund is endowed.  £15m ($19.2m) will secure the future of our world-class teaching and research capability, including English, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Mathematics, Engineering Science and Modern Languages.

£3m ($4m) will establish 6 Early Career Fellowships and a Graduate Teaching Programme, helping to develop vital new academic talent over the next decade.


What does my donation support?

Your donation funds these important projects.

Fellowship Endowment Fund

We have a community of 46 Tutorial Fellows. However, only 50% of their costs are covered by endowed funds. A further £15m will substantially secure the future of our world-class teaching and research capability, especially in relation to English, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Mathematics, Engineering Science and Modern Languages. Depending on the subject and types of post, gifts of between £2.3m and £1.15m will fully endow and name a Tutorial Fellowship in perpetuity.

Early Career Fellowships

Providing early career academics with the opportunity to develop their teaching and research skills is crucial for the intellectual future of our College, University and wider Higher Education sector. A fund of £3m will establish 6 Early Career Fellowships across the next decade, each costing £50k per annum.

Graduate Teaching Programme

As part of a long-term strategy to incentivise students to contemplate a career in academia, we wish to build a fund of £10k per year over the next decade so that Graduate students can provide supplementary tuition and mentoring to Teddy Hall undergraduates.

Library Fund

Our library is increasingly required to marry the physical with the digital, integrating technological and other developments in ways that maximise the study and research experience for students and fellows. An endowment fund of £750k will provide financial headroom to evolve each year, whether that is enabling a Library Traineeship (£23k per annum) or a new RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Devices) book loan system (£30k).

Academic Enhancement Fund

Providing access to vital research tools and resources and enabling research activities through weekend symposiums and interdisciplinary seminars. An endowment fund of £350k will allow us to underpin these initiatives over the long term.

Explore the Hallmarks


  • Hallmarks Campaign Total £50m 27% 27%

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